(Published in GT, 10/2/11 but blanked out in Herald)
It is simply disgusting to know that a bunch of elected panchayat 
representatives are trying to cover up Churchill Alemao's scam of distributing 
water tanks even though he has not followed government's standard procedures.  
If a mere claim that distribution of free water tanks has benefited the tribals 
and poor can justify the squandering of tax payer's money, then corruption of 
all sorts needs to be condoned as it ultimately benefits the poor and 
vulnerable sections when politicians buy their votes during elections. 
Mr. Alemao is supplying free water tanks to his vote banks in South Goa when 
some talukas in North Goa are made to go without a drop of water for three to 
four days at a stretch. Can't he invest PWD funds for improvement of water 
supply infrastructure so that it benefits one and all? What justice and 
accountability is this?

-Soter D'Souza

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