*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

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*Rosary Ferns’s Death Condoled*

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“Rosary Ferns was not only a writer, director of tiatrs and singer of
Konkani Songs but he was a promoter of Goan Culture in Goa as well as in
Kuwait” stated Shri. Roseferns, the Vice-President of TAG while expressing
his grief over the sudden death of Shri. Rosary Ferns on 12th January 2011
at Colva. He was speaking at the Condolence Meet yesterday organized by
Tiatr Academy of Goa. Speaking further he said that in the death of Shri.
Rosary Ferns the tiatr stage has lost a stalwart of Konkani stage who was
responsible to entertain Goans in the Gulf with tiatr and tiatr related

Prominent among others who spoke on the occasion are tiatrists, Jonh
D’Silva,                          C. D’Silva, Marcus Vaz, Mario Menezes and
Bony Pereira. All the speakers recounted their experiences with late Rosary
Ferns and highlighted his role in promoting Goan tiatr artistes in Kuwait
for almost 25 years. Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG in his
address stated that late Shri. Rosary Ferns had a very short life with huge
achievements. He praised Rosary Fern’s efforts in preserving, promoting and
developing Konkani tiatr, its song and its music. His invaluable
contribution to the tiatr stage will always be remembered he concluded.

Late Rosary Ferns’s wife Casilda, mother, his younger son and also his
brother-in-law Agnelo Alcoases attended the condolence meet.

Shri. Joy Fernandes Programme Officer, TAG proposed the vote of thanks.

*Victor de Sa*

Member Secretary

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