It was good to learn the reasons why our agriculture in Goa is in serious decline. Given that climate change is already creating havoc world wide and serious impact on food production, food security especially in countries like India is a serious issue.
Any suggestions to get our agriculture going again? Shouldn't we be thinking of future generations and where and how they will be getting their fish curry and rice from? Shouldn't we be very strict about land use in Goa? Should we for a start stop immediately any further paddy fields and other agricultural land from being destroyed for ever? I would appreciate some constructive information about this issue, and an exchange of ideas about what we can do about this problem. Regards Carmen Miranda Dr Ferdinando wrote: Soter has forgotten one main reason that started the downfall of our rice cultivation. Both the Acts, Mundkar Act and the Agricultural tenancy Act were vote oriented Acts by Bandodkar. It was put into the heads of the populace that they were bonded labourers like in the counterparts of India. Comments I definitely subscribe to your important view point. But your's is the social and political consequence for the decline of agriculture which is equally relevant. What we were discussing is the economical aspect or the non-viability of farming due to the high costs of labour. -Soter