
No matter how you (or Soter) attempt to slice and dice it - the fact remains 
that the obsolete labor intensive methods of agriculture cannot survive without 
low cost labor. If in case you missed it, I vaguely mentioned it on the subject 
header. Unless you wish to invent a backwards time machine, it is highly 
unlikely you will get cheap Goan labor in the future. 

I also agree with you and Soter that the solution to the problem of high food 
prices - is even higher cost, low volume agricultural practices. You suggested 
subsidies for farmers to enhance more agriculture. Presumably the money for 
would also grow in the paddy fields. 

As for Parrikar, the hindi speaking pseudo Goan migrant who has a penchant for 
picturesque verbal diarrhea, may I suggest he use his dung to promote 
sustainable agriculture in Soter's and Pinheiro's communes.


From: pinheiro <>

Back then (before 90's) the paddy cultivation in Goan households was more of 
family and neighbors affair.  Back then, the Family structure was not as we see 
it today (1 or 2 kids) as most families had four or more children or they were 
living with extended families.  Did some wrote  on this forum that he cannot 
many pregnant ladies in Goa.  The field work was  carried out by within each 
house hold or in barter system.  The people use to work in each others fields 
(no money paid) even if outside labour was used, they were paid in kind (paddy) 
not cash.  

With the change in lifestyle and thanks to faulty education system the paddy 
cultivation and agriculture as a whole is on decline.  Successive government 
failed to come with sustainable agricultural policies.  Cumminidade land gifted 
to tiller who have no interest in paddy cultivation or any other crop. One 
solution for revival of paddy cultivation would be formation of co-operative 
movement and then government extending support to them by give free or 
to buy small / medium size machines to till and harvest paddy. 

From: Rajan P. Parrikar <>

Translation: Although I, Marlon "I-know-how-to-spell" Menezes, got called out
bullsh*tting on matters I know nothing about, I will continue to make an ass
of myself in a public forum.

Marlon-bhaiyya (as in UP "bhaiyya") should wonder no  more.  Big daddy P
is related to me, as is potato-head Digu.

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