To Goanet -

Refer to -

It is touching to see Frederick Noronha take the senile Advani's word as proof 
that Sonia Gandhi is white as the driven snow.  It is even more touching to 
that Frederick Noronha is such a babe in the woods that he might believe that
Sonia et al would be so foolish to stash away money they have looted from the
Indian people in their own names.

The Gandhi clan are the BIGGEST CRIMINALS of modern India.  They and 
their cronies have not only stolen billions from India, they have ensured that 
vast numbers of Indians are condemned to perpetual poverty (poor people make
for good vote banks) - Our Lady of Perpetual Poverty, as my right-wing Hindu 
friend Rajiv Srinivasan calls Sonia.

But let's not get sidetracked.  For someone who is a master at Google and
the art of cut & paste, Frederick Noronha's reluctance to exercise his digits in
this instance is puzzling.  Because he won't I must.

The last link speaks to the stupidity of the BJP and why they are an
unfit opposition.  They should have nailed this loafer Rahul and helped
put him away behind bars for 50 years.  Instead, the idiot Brajesh
Mishra secures his release!

Mind you, I have not scratched the surface of the 'clean' Gandhi clan.  
I haven't mentioned Bofors, Quattrocchi etc etc etc.   And of course the 
current monster scams presided over by the Gandhi family butler 
Mr Invertebrate Clean Singh. 



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