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*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

*DKAs Konkani Conference Demands Equal Status to Konkani in Roman Script*

3rd Konkani (Romi Lipi) Literary and Cultural Conference ended on
20thFebruary 2011 after passing four important resolutions.

   1. It demanded that Goa Official Language Act of 1987 be amended and
   Konkani in Roman script should also be included along with Devnagri script
   in the definition of the Act.
   2. As lovers of Konkani in Roman script are moving away from Konkani
   education it demanded that Konkani education in church schools be imparted
   in the medium of Konkani in Roman script.
   3. It demanded that students learning Konkani be given opportunity to
   answer the examination papers in Konkani in Roman script also.
   4. It also demanded that in the past Kala Academy Goa used to give awards
   to books in Konkani in Roman script as a separate category. The same should
   be implemented by Kala Academy in order to encourage creative writing in
   Konkani in Roman Script.

Earlier on 19th February the 3rd Konkani (Romi Lipi) Literary and Cultural
Conference was declared open by the Bishop of Sindhudurg Rev. Fr. Allwyn
Bareetto. In his address he appealed Goans to use Konkani language in their
day to day life. Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo the keynote speaker of the day
stated that primary education in Konkani has suffered because of Devnagri
script and a particular dialect is imposed on huge majority of Konkani
people. If parents are permitted to opt for Konkani education in Roman
script then Konkani language will flourish in leaps and bounds. Fr.
Conceicao D’Silva, President of Reception Committee welcomed Smt. Victoria
Fernandes, MLA of Santa Cruz Constituency, Mr. Bonaventure D’Pietro,
President of Working Committee and Mr. Premanand Lotlikar, President of DKA
also spoke on the occasion.

Two workshops were organized on the second day i.e 20/02/2011. The first
workshop *‘Dispottea Jivitant Konknni’* was chaired by the Vice President of
Goa Konknni Akademi Shri. Vincy Quadros while Shri. Ashok Chodankar and
Shri. Wilfred Goes presented the papers.

The second workshop *‘Konknni Bhaxecho Vistar’* was held in the post lunch
session which was presided by Dr. Fr. Simon Deniz, Principal of Rosary
College, Navelim. Fr. Ave Maria Afonso and Shri. Daniel F. De Souza
presented the papers.

Both sessions were attended by large number of Konkani enthusiasts including
students from colleges.

A *‘Kovi Sommelon’* was also organized in which twelve upcoming poets
participated. The *‘Kovi Sommelon’* was presided over by the prominent poet
of Konkani language Shri. Yusuf Sheikh.

The concluding function was attended by the PWD Minister Shri. Churchill
Alemao as the Chief Guest. Dr. Fr. Walter de Sa, Principal of St. Xaviers
College, Mapusa was the Guest of Honour. Adv. Valanca Alemao also attended
the function. In his address Shri. Churchill Alemao assured the large
audience that he will fight for the inclusion of Konkani in Roman script in
the Goa Official Language Act. He admitted that he was betrayed by the
leaders of Devnagri while passing the Goa Official Language Act.

Dr. Fr. Walter de Sa, Adv. Valanca Alemao, Fr. Conceicao D’Silva,
Bonaventure D’Pietro and Premanand Lotlikar also addressed the gathering.
Jose Salvador Fernandes, Secretary, DKA proposed vote of thanks.

Cultural entertainment included staging of tiatr *‘Tujea Moga Pasot’* on 19
th by Roseferns and A Musical Show *‘Songitachi Ek Sanz’* by Lawry Travasso
on 20th respectively.

*Tomazinho Cardozo*

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