Considering the evidence presented in Floriano's response, as the
distinction that should be made with Goan, builder, Goan builder, etc., a
response is needed in good spirit--something simple and perhaps decent as:
One/We is/are pleased to take your response as a reminder that distinctions
must be made, and happy to know that Petition # 832 went in your favor. (Add
whatever else is pertinent and what the ones spirit summons).

venantius j pinto

From: "floriano" <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list,estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Say NO to DEVELOPMENT in Goa

I am a builder by choice, not profession. I am also a GOAN.
It is encouraging that you trust people like me 'even less'

to Rajan's
'Technicalities will land you in court, and once the
> matter lands in the courts, the builders win."

I too, being the Goan builder was hauled up in the High Court in Writ
Petition No. 862 ... Paul Mendes aka Dayanand Narvekar V/s Floriano Lobo.
And I, being the builder and also being a Goan builder, naturally won. The
Petition was thrown out.
My building had even made rounds in the Goa Legislative Assembly courtesy
Ex-Finance Minister, Dayanand Narvekar.
Still, I won.
Because I am a Goan builder, that has to be trusted even less.

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