From: "Mervyn Lobo" <>
<<Fr.Ivo wrote:
**This is totally wrong. All factors converge to that conclusion and show
their conclusion is correct. It is AB group. It has 23 chromosomes, what
happen only in the case of Jesus, who was conceived virginally by his
Virgin Mary. It is a scientific confirmation.
We should remark that in 1978, a group of scientists from NASA performed
intensive examination on the Shroud of Turin, by using all the
scientific equipment available to our Space Agency at that time. Among the
findings, the scientists made in support of the authenticity of the
Shroud, a
very significant discovery was found regarding the blood type on the
Shroud. It
was AB positive, the same blood type as found in the Eucharistic Miracle
 you are not aware of this but science has confirmed that the Shroudof Turin is material 
manufactured some time between 1260 and 1390 AD.**Dear Mervyn,I am sorry to say that you 
are not aware of the research going on to studythe mysterious Shroud of Turin.As part of 
my specialization in biblicalexegesis, I wrote an article on the Shroud of Turin as 
"The Fifth Gospel" in1987. In that study I revised all the tests that were 
militating in favourof the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin as the burial cloth of 
Jesus ofNazareth. In that direction I analysed the details given about the death 
andcrucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth in the light of the Gospels. Dr.PierreBarbet was a 
good guide for this study. I expected that the Carbon-14 testwould confirm it. But, 
though Carbon-14 test was negative for an earlierdate, I was expecting new tests that 
would confirm it. Already at that time,sc
ientists were saying that the tests were not conclusive because of thepiece of cloth 
examined, which was different from the main body cloth. Thatwas coming from a repair in the 
medieval time. Later studies by RaymondRogers (1957-2006), a chemist from Los Alamos 
National Laboratory, confirmedthat the cloth is much older. The Carbon-14 test is, 
therefore, notconclusive, though it was correct in dating the piece of cloth to 1250-1390.It 
has taken a piece which was later invisibly woven together (Frenchweaving) with the main 
cloth.You may not know that Los Alamos Laboratory hasconducted tests and come to the 
conclusion that the Carbon-14 test was notvalid.> I think you will agree with me that 
Jesus did not die during this period.**I only am amazed at your crass ignorance, as well as 
at the ignorance ofthe great neuroscientist, who can pontificate on every matter, without 
afoundation, and try to teach the "scientifically illiterate"... This is 
verychildish, either you are like ch
ildren who do not grow or you are treatingother Goanetters as children... After all, we 
are not so stupid... I do notknow what is your intellectual standard. If it had been 
scientificallyproved that the Shroud is an artifact "manufactured" by a skilled 
painter inthe medieval times, between 1260 and 1390, I would not continue to say thatit 
is dating from the first century and coming from Palestine, as so manytests are 
confirming. Read the article The Biggest Carbon 14 Dating Mistake.That is the reason why 
I think that it tallies with the Gospel data andaccounts. It is, at least  an indirect, 
confirmation of the Resurrection ofJesus.     Regarding AB group of blood and 23 
chromosomes, it is a fact attestedby scientific research. The inference is that this 
phenomenon is exceptionalin the virginal conception of  Jesus of Nazareth. Otherwise, we 
have toinfer that the scientists are wrong in their evidence, theologians are wrongin 
their inference, only Santosh is right in saying t
hat all are wrong...Regards.Fr.Ivo

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