Marlon wrote:
"What Soter says about prices of produce is correct. But is it not the 
unchecked powers of the government that is responsible for this? It works both 
ways - sometimes in favor of the farmers and sometimes in favor of the 
consumers.  When the government imposes price controls or bans exports, the 
farmer cannot get the market price for his produce. When the government 
subsidies water usage for the farmer (mostly ground water), it encourages waste 
and a receding water table. Ditto for fertilizers, diesel fuel, electricity 
..... What does not change however, is regardless of whether the government 
giveth or taketh, it always gets its cut. Unfortunately, leftists like Soter 
believe that the government is the solution, when it is in fact the main 

As far as mechanization, it has been already stated that this has not been 
implemented very successfully thanks to farm sizes being relatively small in 

Soter believes that the government is solution? Marlon fortunately is focussing 
only on my left hand. Thank God for once someone is ascribing a pro-government 
colour to my opinions and needs to convey this to Digu bab. 
Now marlon attributes non-implementation of mechanisation to farm sizes. Are 
xannea, Goa's agricultural lands have a varied soil strata and therefore what 
works in Ker and Morods will not work in khazans and vice versa. Not that 
gadgets are not available but have to be imported  and therefore costly. 
Government of Goa has not invested enough in research on low cost tools and 
equipment for agriculture. We depend on Kerala for its innovations.
Appears that some are raising points just to pass their time. So I will not 
repsond after this on any of this rubbish. Goa's young enlightened tribe is at 
its peak.


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