In response to:
Message: 9
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 11:26:00 -0500
From: Wendell Rodricks <>
Subject: [Goanet] StyleSpeak: The Curse of Colvale

Mon ami Wendell,

It is indeed a sad story that we hear day in and day out through the
entire length and breadth of Goa, development and commercialism has
taken away the age old or better still the centuries old peace,
tranquility and even our fortitude.

Goa is being projected as the unconquered land of sleaze, rave and
drugs, where booze is as cheap as the women and law an object of
abject depraved apathy and scorn. It is this projection that attracts
all the undesirables to Goa.

As you said it is true e that even if there are more viable options,
the traffic too, unnecessarily and unceremoniously diverts through Goa
as a result of which our villages have not just lost their peace and
tranquility but also a good number of innocent lives. The truck
drivers from north on the way south and vice versa, don’t like to miss
the opportunity of a rendezvous with Goa to quench their insatiable
thirst along the highway bars and carry some on their forward journey,
with no fear of the Goan police nor of the check post authorities.
Where, even a ten rupee note does the trick.

Before we had the road most people of Goa had not heard about
Cabo-de-Rama, Nuem and Canaguinim but now they are in the news for all
the wrong reasons, and to top it all there were strong rumours that
our government was hatching on an idea to privatize the Cabo-de-Rama
fort, it was the unity and the efforts of the locals that raised up a
strong opposition to the unhealthy issue and for the time being it’s
lying dormant but we are ready for it’s eruption, We don’t intend to
be pawns on the chess board of our corrupt government.

If there is unity among the villagers, government can be hog-tied but
unfortunately it is because of the apathy of the people that our
corrupt government more often than not rides the rough sod over us.
It’s high time people of Goa woke up to their own plight.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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