ASSOCHAM, an national industry body exposes lies of Goan mine owners:
Leading industry body ASSOCHAM has called for discouraging iron ore exports by 
increasing export tax on fines and lumps from five per cent and 15 per cent to 
uniformly 30 per cent of the FoB price.
This will lead to a revenue generation of Rs 20,000 crore. India produced 215 
million tonnes of iron ore in 2008-09 and exported 106 million tonnes of it. Of 
the 129 milliion tonnes of fines produced, 92 million tonnes were exported. In 
the case of lumps, the production was 86 million tonnes while exports totalled 
14 million tonnes.
Private iron ore miners have created a myth that fines are in excess as the 
steel industry is not equipped to use them. “This is a total distortion of 
facts as most integrated steel plants use sinter and pellets where fines are 
used extensively,” said Mr D.S. Rawat, secretary general of The Associated 
Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM).
The iron and steel industry consumed 63.41 million tonnes of iron ore fines and 
31.79 million tonnes of iron ore lumps in 2008-09. After accounting for 
domestic consumption, only 65.5 million tonnes is left for exports. But export 
data shows India exported 92 million tonnes of fines in the same period.
There is clearly a mismatch of production and exports. “To save duty, lumps are 
being converted into fines for exports to China. The analogy of mining industry 
that fines are unutilised in the country is totally inappropriate and 
baseless,” said Mr Rawat adding the production of iron ore was increased solely 
to cater to Chinese market.
The export of iron ore is also promoting illegal mining in the country with 
profits going to mine owners who have little social and environmental concerns. 
If there is restriction on exports, all fines will be consumed by the expanding 
steel industry.
India has 25.6 billion tonnes of iron ore reserves scattered across Jharkhand, 
Orissa, Chattisgarh, Karnataka and Goa of which only seven billion tonnes are 
proven and the rest probable and possible. In terms of per capita reserves, 
India scores only 21 tonnes in comparison to Brazil’s 333 tonnes, the Russian 
Federation’s 389 tonnes and Australia’s 2,000 tonnes.
ASSOCHAM said the government should ban iron ore exports in a phased manner 
with a complete restriction by 2015-16.

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