Soter!! Your resistance to understand the struggle against mining in Goa is

It would be really nice if you had taken the trouble to find out a little
bit more about what we are trying to do regarding the mining issue ,
before you make the wrong assumptions and try to make me look like a fool in
this platform.

You are lucky that I believe in creating awareness about this crucial issue
in Goa.....

Therefore let me point out to you that just because we managed to get the
moratorium for the new mining leases, which by itself was indeed crucial and
an achievement,
it does not mean we are not fighting the established and so called legal
mines and illegal mines in Goa - on the contrary ! We are indeed trying
extremely hard
to close down the entire mining industry in Goa, but that cannot be done
overnight. Any idiot would understand that!

In any case, it is not a question of understanding politics, but a question
of taking into consideration the few thousand people who are employed by
industry at the moment. You have to be realistic, find alternatives,
think strategically and work on it in every way possible. We are after all
fighting very powerful
 and rootless people who have the entire government under their control. For
every practical purpose they are the government! That has not stopped me and
from fighting them and confronting them. At the end of the day I may not
achieve much, but no one can say I have not tried.

Furthermore, if you knew the real significance of fighting and winning
against the insignificant Sheikh Mukthar (according to you)  you would be
now busy congratulating
the Adivasis from Caurem instead of wasting your time picking on me.

Let me make it very clear that first of all there is no such thing as
"insignificant legal or illegal miner". The damage they cause is always
significant and often irreversible.

You might be well versed in local politics, but I and everyone else I
am working with in Goa are not spring chickens and naive ignorant idiots .
We are realistic and are
working on this issue  systematically in every way we possibly can and
relentlessly. Politics are not above everything in this world, and
especially not above
Goa's environment. I will continue to fight for it despite all the local
politics which is in practice just corruption, not real politics.

Moreover, the breakdown of law and order in Goa has nothing to do with the
fact that we got the moratorium, which is something we can use to try and
new mines from starting by taking them to Supreme Court if necessary. I know
that for the likes of Timblo even  the Supreme Court means nothing...but we
can try.
Bottom line is we have to be vigilant all the time and fight the existing
system and status quo and the moratorium is  a good barrier albeit temporary
as is the direct action taken by the affected people form Caurem. A
tremendous example of people power against the government corruption and

Of course the ultimate and ideal solution is revolution, but meanwhile....

Jai Ram! Ram Yes! INDEED!

essage: 2
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 17:21:16 +0530
From: "SOTER" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Goanet]  mining in Goa - the insolence and dare
Message-ID: <000901cbd999$527368f0$1901a8c0@user77948b9580>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Carmen wrote:Yes Soter , you got the wrong impression as usual....! A year
ago (not a
couple of months ago)  we managed to get a moratorium on new mining leases
in Goa and that is a cause to celebrate. There are already 110 so called
 legal mining operations, and if we did not get the moratorium there would
be another 130 extra mines operating in Goa by now! So yes, it is Jai Jairam
Ramesh Ho indeed!

The problem of illegal mining which is another problem altogether, needs to
be resolved  by Goa government and not central government.  When there is a
situation of  a total breakdown of law and order, and when the minister's
themselves and the police  are involved in illegal activities including
mining, than the only solution is revolution.

I hope my message now is quite clear!Soter replies:The message is not yet
clear Carmen. For those well versed with political gimmicks do not bite
anything and everything like the gullible Goemkar.A Moratorium on future
mining leases is taken as great achievement when you yourself admit about a
breakdown of law and order? So continue raping the hills as far and wide as
you can get with the 110 existing leases as it is all politically
stretchable to 130 in a lawless Goa.Attack some insignificant Sheikh Mukthar
and proclaim success while the other sharks continue their trade. Jai Ram!
Ram Yesh!


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