Hi Roland,

Here is how you would download the free software application for PC if you
don’t own a Kindle! It works just great!

For US Amazon site, click on the link below or  enter this url in your


When you see the Kindle webpage, look in the green box on top right, where
it says ‘buy now with 1-Click’.

Inside that box, click on ‘Available on your PC’ link (5th line in that
box), you will see a ‘Kindle For PC’ window pop up. Just click on the
’Download now’ button, and you are done.

You will see an Amazon‘KindleForPc’ icon on your desktop.

Then you can go to any Kindle webpage like


and then download (buy or try for free)any e-book of your choice on your
PC.( Check the boxes to your right with instructions)

You can then open up your ‘KindleForPc’ icon to see the downloaded book.

Just follow the instructions on the Kindle webpage for more help.

Well if I did it easily, you can definitely do better.


I already fed you with a spoon.

Now do you want me to feed you in the mouth too?

Ok “ Aan kor”, “...ani oonddy gue”

I remember my mum feeding me with an oonddy of rice and curry and a small
morcel of khareacho bangddo when I was a baby. Of course we didn’t have a PC
then. Our iPAd or Kindle was a slate, a pedr(ardosia) with pedrakaddy. We
had no hydro-bydro.

Oh! Those nostalgic moments!

Silviano Barbosa


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