Saturday, 5 March 2011


Whatever I was fighting for my beloved Goa looks like is coming true. It 
certainly appears that the voice of Niz Goenkar is being heard in Goa. The 
great forthcoming event on 15th March proves that at last Goa is waking up to 
the calls given by different people by writing articles and commenting on the 
site, expressing their opinions and exposing the corrupt.
This change was required in the attitude of people who are the voters and 
electors. VOTING: This is a sharp weapon we have and should keep it sharp by 
exercising our rights in a right manner. Do not cause your weapon to turn blunt 
by selling it off for a meagre amount to these unscrupulous, uneducated and 
uncouth politicians,who are lacking grace, who are doing nothing, but looting 
and destroying Goa at every single opportunity. They also create opportunities 
to loot and rob. They do not know the meaning of integrity, they do not know 
the meaning of self respect and they do not know the meaning of “own dignity” 
Goa Rakhonndarancho Awaz has come forward heeding calls by the common people of 
Goa to fight for Goa. A fight that should be selfless till the end and 
post-overthrow of the present bunch of crooks and corrupt politicians. A base 
should be designed which will not shake the foundations of it and will 
withstand all the storms and tornadoes that will appear later on.
It is a wonderful work done by Fr. Bismarque, Yatish Naik etc. I have talked to 
Fr. Bismarque a couple of times long back and have assured him the full support 
of NIZ GOENKAR and its team and all the readers and commentators on this blog. 
Fr. Bismarque also told me that he is happy that Niz Goenkar brings out the 
voice of Goans in the open air.
I would like to request all the Goans, to wholeheartedly to be present for this 
meet from youth to elders. This meeting at Azad Moidan is a very important step 
in the right direction and as I can see a beginning of the downfall of the 
corrupt regime which is presently ruling Goa. This does not mean that we should 
be electing any of the BJP candidates as it is a well known fact that it is a 
communalist party that has created communal disharmony in Goa with the help of 
the RSS, of which the opposition leader Mr. Manohar Parrikar is a member 
himself. BJP will try to play their game using tactics which have to be 
carefully analysed and BJP should be kept at a distance. NCP and MGP  is 
totally rubbish so it has to be ignored in their entire entirety.
Do not go for the outer cover. Now that we have GRA who will definitely come up 
with a third party should be extended full support even beyond our redundancy. 
Only a third Party can save Goa and get it back to its glorious days. 
Azad Moidan should be full of Goans young and old in thousands and not just 
hundreds. Goans please heed this call by GRA if you wish a better and good life 
and a golden Goa which will be for us the Niz Goans.
I hereby appeal all the people of Goa and all the overseas Goans who will be 
down to Goa on holidays on this day, to attend the meet and support GRA. Let us 
save Goa from the clutches of evil that is currently in force and the evil that 
is currently watching for an opportunity to grab power and destroy Goa’s 
harmony in the form of present opposition.

Friday, 4 March 2011
Ferdinand dos Reis Falcão 
I am putting forth here many of the benefits Goa and Goans have had prior to 
the year 1961 and the contrast that Goa and Goans are facing post 1961. It is 
for the knowledge of those Goans who were either born post 1961 or were too 
small to comprehend things. 
There was no Income taxed in Goa, so your earnings were all for yourself.
There was no Land acquisition and if Government needed, it was bought at market 
Goans were employed in all government departments, barring a handful of top 
posts which were manned by the Portuguese.
There were parochial schools free of charge in many villages, there were 
English schools run by priests and nuns, most of which still stand today. There 
were facilities for further studies in Lisbon. The Medical College at Panjim 
was the first one in Asia.
There was strict discipline, and any infringement of the law you were in prison 
(mind you the police personnel were Goans.); you could sleep at nights with 
windows open, you could leave your house open and go out for some time, your 
garden fruits or plantation would not be robbed; Goa was secure. There were 
rare cases of robberies and murders. I recollect a Goan surgeon's license was 
cancelled for life for operating under influence of alcohol and resulting in 
removal of kidney instead of appendicectomy. 
There was a dress code when entering cities, one had to wear a shirt, (no 
roaming bare chest like the foreign tourists or ghantis of today); no spitting, 
no pan, no blowing your orifices in public. The cities were therefore clean.
There was no slavery except for the few negro slaves that were always with the 
colonial rulers/explorers like the British, Spanish, Portuguese, etc., who were 
workers on the ships, and some of whom were kept employed in Goa on land. A 
majority of these slaves are in the US. That is how negroes landed in the US. 
And here in Goa too a few who in later years became the butt of jokes named 
"Humpree Agustin".
There were no deaths in police custody.
There was sufficient food for all as agricultural land was fully utilised. 
Farming too was economical as there was no theft of farm animals and birds.
The Portuguese did not loot Goa and siphon the riches to Portugal. Even the 
mortgaged gold and money from 'Banco National Ultramarino' were returned to 
Goa. I wonder what happened to the unclaimed gold? And I remember that on 18th 
December 1961, the Portuguese military told the neighbouring Goans to take away 
whatever they wanted from their barracks so that it does not fall into the 
hands of the Indians. Such was their affection towards Goans. And when Indian 
Military entered Goa on the 19th December, they found the barracks ransacked & 
empty, which infuriated them; and a military Order was passed that houses would 
be searched and people would be jailed. There were also rumours that the Indian 
military officers served food in "bispotes" which people hadn't taken.
With all this, was there any reason for anyone to be discontent? Or was it just 
ideology, that this land is mine and who are these outsiders to govern? 
What is happening today is exactly the opposite of the above. People should 
realise that they are being openly looted from every side. Human rights 
violation in all forms is prevailing. Many people are jailed on false 
complaints, a threat police themselves give. People are deprived of fresh air 
to breath in mining areas; citizens are killed almost every day on the roads 
and by reckless mining trucks. People are deprived of fresh and clean drinking 
water and unadulterated food to eat. With commercial hospitals sprouting in Goa 
another novel human rights violation is taking place. Patients stepping into 
them are falsely diagnosed as very serious and secluded in ICUs, family 
terrorised and money extorted, unnecessary angioplasties and coronary by-pass 
are performed.
Goa government is now preparing to celebrate 50 years of "Liberation". We right 
minded people of Goa demand first to scrap the pension and other facilities 
like reservations in professional colleges, jobs, etc. given to the so called 
freedom fighters at the taxpayer's expense. They are no longer underprivileged, 
50 years of dole is more than sufficient. 


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