My abstract titled *Speculatio through Drawing* (working title) has been
accepted for UNIDCOM / IADE 6th Intl Conf (Oct 2011, Lisbon), in the
category *THE Sense of DRAWING, Making Sense through Sensibility* *(knowing
through drawing).* Its as though this category was made for me.

My presentation will last 20 minutes, and the abstract developed further;
but will probably not be turned into a paper for this conference. It is a
good beginning for me at this point in time to merit a slot and forum to
present my artistic labor and thoughts, to a wide audience comprising fellow
artists, academicians, arts professionals in the visual arts—and of course,
designers and illustrators.

Speculatio through Drawing
Drawing allows me to reflect on ideas that lend themselves to deep
introspection—a search for possibilities in phenomena that pass across and
within my senses—works which are reflections on concerns situated at the
intersection and layering of religion, sexuality, and social consciousness.
“Layering” is a metaphor for encapsulating fragments and wholes that convey,
power, compassion, and the memory of time & culture.

Through drawing, I attempt to achieve organic marks which reveal the
underlying emotions of our thoughts and ideas—a receiving. I enter spaces to
bring out natures within my being, and comprehend through
speculatio--contemplative reflection, which I otherwise would not be privy

My drawings are an attempt at wholeness; an orison—towards assigning marks
and generating form from the formless, often within extreme abstraction;
employing a broad range of media and approaches, some learnt through an
ongoing practice in Shodo. Ongoing works fall within the following areas: a
book of thirty drawings reflecting on torture; We do not come by our
Thoughts, They come to us; to drawing letterforms, as also, other subjects
while glimpsing, gleaning and assigning meaning to the works in the manner
approached as also through the act of drawing.
venantius j pinto

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