In reply to my earlier post,
Soter Wrote:

We cannot forget that it was the Anti-nylon 6,6 agitation that offered a
foot hold for the BJP to ride to power in 1999 by sweeping Ponda. It has
created the oppressive Dhavlikars of MGP. What happened? It speeded Goa's
destruction and sell out to migrants.



Check the dates before you hurl accusations.

You might find that Keri plateau is actually in Priol constituence and the
anti nylon agitation was in 1994.
Because of this agitation, 600000 sq metres of pristine green land is
preserved until today and the surrounding fields are still there for you to
enjoy if you care to visit this area. By now, it would have become a slum
area just like the one around Zuari agro. With the supreme court judgement
of last month, I, as a component member of Keri communidade might be able to
get this land back from Goa govt. At least, I will be able to try.

Now coming to BJP, one of the activists from this agitation did defeat MGP
and become a MLA in 95-96. Ponda was still with Ravi Naik and has been until
today. BJP did not come to power by winning seats, they came to power using
corrupt Kangresswallahs and that too in 1999. BJP did have foot hold in Goa
from 1990 onwards and during the agitation, Manohar Parrikar was already a
MLA. I remember this well because when I wrote a letter to Rane and the
other 39 MLAs expressing my disgust at the way they had converted the
legislature into a "Brothel' only two MLAs had responded to extend their
support to the agitation, one was Parrikar and the other
was...................Mr Churchill Alemao.
MGP's junior Dhavalikar got elected in 2001 or thereabout defeating the anti
nylon activist and BJP candidate from Priol.

So, you will have to educate us on how you make this sweeping statement.

Coming to GRA, I wish them all the very best and I am certainly prepared to
help them in any way I can. I do understand that GBA and particularly Oscar,
Bhatikar etc who were and are closet Digambar supporters have given activism
in Goa a bad name but Goa is bleeding and we need to stop the haemorrhage. I
do not care who does it.

 Just carping from the sidelines is no good. If you have a good idea,
propagate it and get support of people like me who are keen to do whatever
they can to stop this rot. If you do not want to publish your thoughts on a
public forum, write to people privately. I will certainly support you.
Having met you once, I know you are trustworthy, honest man - a rarity in
Goan public life.

Anil Desai

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