IFRA Soccer Tournament
DHL and Real Betalbatim qualify for Semis

Photos:    http://bit.ly/IFRASoccerKuwait

DHL and Real Betalbatim scored contrasting wins at the Dahyia grounds to qualify for the semi finals of the I.F.R.A ‘eleven a side’ open soccer tournament organized by the Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) to celebrate 30 years of existence.

In the first match of the day, Fahaheel Brothers easily one of the best Indian soccer team in Kuwait, were strangely off color and went down fighting to DHL Express 0-1. The all important goal for DHL was scored by Unni in the first half when Qader of Fahaheel Bros handled the ball in the penalty area and referee Sarto Baptista had no hesitation in pointing to the dreaded spot. Fahaheel Bros came back strongly in the second half, but could not get past the strong DHL defense ably marshaled by Elvis, who was later deservingly declared the ‘Man of the Match’. Referee Sarto Baptista, who is also the dynamic president of IFRA, was ably supported by Christopher and Francis on the lines to keep the match well under control.

In the second quarter final, Indian Strikers made up of mostly youngsters and managed by veteran Robert a popular player of yesteryears, were no match for Real Betalbatim and lost 0-4 in what was an easy victory for the Goan team. Real Betalbatim formed only about a year back have a team of talented players including veteran Rubin whose experience has rubbed on to his team mates making them strong contenders of this 30 years commemorative trophy. Marshall and Denzel scored a goal each in the first half, and Marshall was again on the score sheet along with Dominic in the second half to ensure a mouth watering semi final clash with Goa Boys next Friday.

Star forward, Denzel of Real Betalbatim who is a real live wire on the field was declared the ‘Man of the Match’ and received a gift voucher for a track suit sponsored by Sports Mania , from the hands of chief guest B. M. Viegas, the ex-president of KIFF and a well known personality in Kuwait. The match was officiated by Julio Cardoso and assisted by Alvaro Dias and Nichlous Fernandes on the lines.

The semi finals will be played on this coming Friday with Real Betalbatim taking on Goa Boys at 2:15pm followed by DHL Express versus St. Anthony’s Colva 3:30pm. Both the matches will be played at the Dahyia grounds and teams are requested to report on time.

Source: UM

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