Mr. Pinheiro,
I am extremely proud of your mail...Hats off to the guys who attended the GRA 
meeting... you know I am so overwhelmed with joy to know that some of our goans 
are hell bend to change the present outlook of our beloved Goa by hook or by 
crook..Defend Goa with their power against all enemies, and especially against 
those who hide their malice behind the mask of virtue… Standing Ovation to 
goans who attended the GRA meeting. 

Proud to be Goan

----- Original Message ----
From: pinheiro <>
To: GOA Net <>
Sent: Thu, 17 March, 2011 11:14:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] GRA meeting at Azad Maidan

Hats off to all the guys  who attended the GRA meeting.  You showed to the rest 
of the Goans that there are people who are ready to walk the talk.  Those brave 
hearts showed to rest of the Goans they cannot be bought for few rupees , they 
care Goa more then their Jobs and comforts of their homes.  They will not stay 
back at home and bad mouth the good work of GRA activist. While these few brave 
heart toiled hard to make this event a great success, there were other who 
too busy writing/acting against the GRA.  I humbly request those sitting on the 
fence, if cannot not be a part of GRA its fine, but do stop mongering about GRA 
and its motives. If you cannot be support and be part of GRA in its endure to 
wipeout the ills then please keep your thoughts and philosophies to yourself.  
GRA need doers not spectators.  Some raised question WHO ARE THE RAKHONDARS OF 
GOA? Who is behind RAKHONDARS?
Who financed RAKHONDARS? Why that banner reading "GIVE US LAND TO BURY OUR DEAD 
IN NORTH AND SOUTH GOA."? Why the need for TWO burial grounds? 

So who is asking for two burial grounds from a GRA platform? Who or what needs 
to be buried?? What his current ecclesiatical status, celibate or celebrated 

Every honest Goan is Rakhondar.  GRA is not about the people behind it but it 
about people with it.  Thank to JoeGoaUk we did see Goan Rakhondar's in 
thousands.  More will join but what is perhaps haunting them is the ghost of 
GBA.  BTW, which idiot proposed Goa Bachayo Andolan? Hindiwala from Dehli for 
sure.  Many NRI's have  contributed to GRA's.  I do not see why a 
non-contributor should have access to account book of GRA. If the muslims 
burial ground, what is wrong in it?  Did we not have Muslims long before 
Portuguese came to Goa? Is it not that a dead (Christian, Muslim and Hindus) 
deserve a resting place in Goa?  Don't we have Christian cemeteries in the 
vicinity of residential areas? 

Its time to stop being skeptical and support the GRA. ( GRA is you and me). The 
time is come to burry the past and work for the better future of Goans by Goans.

Noman tuka Goa!

Agnelo Pinheiro

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