Dear Mrs. Brown,

Thank you for your message. I will take this opportunity of re-posting
it on GoaNet and separately on The Goan Forum (TGF). Accordingly, you
will receive two messages. In order to protect your e-identity, I have
removed the identifying features of your e-address and have copied
this to you in bcc.

My comments are at the foot of your message.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 0000 Brown <>
Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 5:59 PM
Subject: Goa

We have just returned home from Goa after a 10 week stay. We have
visited Goa 16 times and we love it as much now as the first time we
went. The weather,people and the food are great.However the Goans are
spoiling their lovely country by throwing their rubbish and litter all
over the place. The beach shack owners just throw the rubbish at the
back of the shacks. Also there are far too many dogs that seem docile
in the day time but come alive at night barking and howling for hours
on end. This year the beach sellers were banned from  the beach (south
Goa )shame really as for us they are part of Goa.We missed the vibrant
colours from the beach this year!! Hope these comments are of use to
you. Mrs.0000 Brown

JC comment:

1: Unfortunately, your post reflects the sad reality of what has
happened and is happening to Goa - a land which both your family and
mine love so much.

2: It appears that circumstances and the actions/inaction of powers
that are preventing any hope of recovery from the degradation that Goa
has undergone and is undergoing.  Even the villages which were cocoons
of peace and tranquility are being decimated by concrete monsters and
the garbage they leave behind.

3: The "Goans" you write about may not all be Goans. After all, on a
daily basis, train, plane and bus loads of individuals come to Goa and
do as they please.

4: I grew up in a Goa which was polite, extremely clean and very
gracious to all.

5: Sadly, while some development has occurred, that tranquil, gracious
and clean Goa has all but disappeared.

Thank you for your post.

good wishes


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