*Goa** Bachao Abhiyan*

77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa

goabachaoabhi...@gmail.com  www.savegoa.com

Phone: 9767701245

                             24 March, 2011

*Press Release*

Goa Bachao Abhiyan met in the city to deliberate on the progress and process
of the Regional Plan 2021 and the present RP debate in the Assembly.

GBA noted  that the government has time and again,  failed to keep its
promises and assurances made in the Legislative Assembly to complete the
Regional plan 2021. Despite the  procedure laid down in the government order
of 28th October 2008, requiring that a 30 day period for  inspection and
correction be allowed prior to notification, this step has been repeatedly

It has been brought to the notice of the house by the MLAs, cutting across
party lines that mistakes were made in the Plan and have been acknowledged
by the CM. The CM stated that the entire plan will be out in June 2011 and
"corrections" will be made after notification.

GBA demands that the government  follow its own order and keep the entire
finalised Regional Plan  open for correction of mistakes  for 30 days prior
to notification  of the entire RP2021 and not subsequently.

The GBA questions why the Government does not follow its own orders and
prefers to open new areas of corruption, requiring corrections after the
notification of the RP2021, where the term 'corrections' is open for any
interpretation. The GBA stated that such corrections had led to the   agitation
against the RP2011 where hundreds of so called 'corrections and gazette
notifications' corrupted the Plan.

 Allowing changes post notification means that the changes will be piecemeal
which the government hopes will go unnoticed by the public, as opposed to a
30 day scrutiny period of the full plan  before notification.

Till date the Government has no clear guidelines provided for many of its
insertions. Cansaulim is one such glaring example  of putting villages
in  Non-ODP
PDA areas  without clear authority structure. In the case of Cansaulim the
issue is still under question and no answers are forthcoming from the

Massive  mass land use change 'corrections' in the old RP2011 still
exists .The largescale  development planned on Survey No. 87 at Reis
Magos by stakeholder DLF and associates on 'No-Development' slopes is a case
in point. This is highlighted on the website www.samaraya.com and curiously
has been marked in a misleading way on the old Regional Plan 2011.

The TCP has not shown this area as having a slope of more than 25 % despite
it being indicated in the Survey Map of India  Other adjacent sites above
25% slope is marked as ecosensitive. The plot also shows no survey number as
according to the TCP department it forms a part of the restricted area
belonging to INS Mandovi. What is amazing is DLF is soliciting enquiries on
the net with their master plan and even laid their roads on site as can be
seen by Google

Will this be one of the  many "corrections"  made after the notification of
the new RP2021 to go unnoticed by the public?

 GBA has repeatedly asked for the* minimum 30 days public scrutiny of the
Plan, as is the norm primarily to check for insertions, errors, and back
door entry of projects under amended Sections 16&16A of Goa TCP Act, 1974  and

The GBA had sought information under RTI, from the Town & Country Planning
Department since an appointment with the Chief Minister, for clarifications
about the procedure followed to  finalize the Taluka Plans under RP 2021 was
not given*.*

The  Government has, through its officers, refused to provide information
under RTI about the procedure that was listed in the order to keep the
revised plans made by SLC open for 30 days prior notification. .The PIO of
TCP in its written reply to the RTI application of Dr Sabina Martins stated
that it cannot give reasons for not following the procedure.

Critical, minutes of the SLC  of 2 February 2011  and TCP Board meeting were
also not available.

Dr Sabina Martins has now sought inspection of files as well as has  filed
an appeal requesting for information in  subsequent RTI application.

GBA demands from the government  that the entire finalised Regional Plan
comprising of all the talukas be kept open  in the respective Taluka office
for a minimum period of 30 days for public scrutiny and corrections as per
the guidelines circulated in the Draft RP 2021

The GBA calls upon the people, village  RP committees, groups, to
be viglant about 'unexplained  insertions'  in their village  and taluka
plans and take it up with the appropriate  authorities to ensure a proper
Regional Plan for Goa.


Reboni Saha - Secretary

Goa Bachao Abhiyan

Tel: +91-9767701245
Visit www.savegoa.com



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