It is also better to know that Fr. Jaime Couto is known to transliterate
Konknni articles of Romi script into Devnagari of people who dont know
Devnagari 'barakaddi' and print them in 'Dalgadacho Sondex' to impress that
catholics too write in Devnagari script. Padrin Devak fottounk zait, aple
porjek fottounk zata?"
Regarding Fr. Mousinho Ataide, it is high time that he should understand
that a priest of his calibre is being used to meet their ends by Devnagari

Jose  Fernandes

2011/3/24 Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <>

> Konkani should be the primary school medium - by F. Mousinho de
> Ataide
> This Fr. Mousihno is accustomed to talking rubbish. Infact an Indian
> fanatic. A couple of times he has written on Herald against Goans like
> “Hangover of servility” on 29/9/09, etc. The migrant editors entertain such
> fanatism by Goans against Goans. He has the company of another Fr. Jaime
> Couto
> who writes Konkani articles in Devnagri script on ‘Grace News’; a monthly
> bulletin of Grace Church Margao. 90 percent of Grace Church parishioners
> will
> not know to read Konkani in that script.
> Coming back to this article, I would like to ask Fr. Mousinho  if he knows
> the meaning of mother
> tongue. What pedagogical science says is to be understood correctly and not
> to
> be distorted. Primary education should be in the language a child speaks at
> home since young. Secondly, it is also proved in science that young
> children
> pick up new languages easily as compared to a child grown older.  Fr.
> Mousinho always harped that
> Portuguese were dictators; so now in democracy if the people  want primary
> education in English, why
> is he invoking God to avert it? Does he have any responsibility toward the
> future of our children? Maybe he too like Shashikala want Goans to remain
> as
> dropouts of schools or be a graduate and unable to draft a letter in
> correct
> English.
> It is a blatant LIE to state that during the Portuguese era,
> Christians did primary education
> in Portuguese. There are schools and convents still existing in Goa
> which imparted primary education in English, and Catholics, Hindus as well
> as
> Muslims attended them. Those who did in Portuguese, continued in Lyceum in
> the
> Portuguese language.
> The love for Goa’s identity Fr. Mousinho is talking of is a
> distorted one.
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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