All schools in Goa whether in towns or villages have ten classes. From Std.1
to Std 4, i.e. the initial four years is the
Primary School.  From Std. 5 to Std. 10 is the Secondary School.  All
Secondary Schools whether the medium of
instruction is English or Marathi or Konkni are given grants in aid by the
Government of Goa to meet salaries of

Only Primary Schools where the medium of instruction is either Marathi or
Konkni are given grants in aid but denied
to Primary Schools with English as a medium of instruction for the
ostensible reason of safeguarding our
great and glorious culture.

Catholic village schools in the Costa Rica de Goa teach in Konkni language
during the first four years of primary
school in order to avail grants from the Govt. But the parents are an
unhappy lot, for most children joining an
English medium school at Std 5 are as good as zombies hardly able to
construct a sentence in English right.

The debate that is raging on in Goa today is that Govt of Goa should approve
grants in aid to English medium
primary schools as well so that children are moderately proficient in
English language by the time they join
Secondary School at Std. 5

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