Gabe Menezes posted:
   The national debt is at its highest in more than a century. The last time
   the country saw anything resembling economic growth was back in 2000.
   Everywhere there is a fear that, after a lost decade, there might come yet
   another. Portugal appears to be undergoing a process of economic decay. 
    - snip -
   The dust of the electoral fray had hardly settled when the Portuguese
   were confronted with a reality quite different from the one presented by
  Sócrates. The 2009 budget deficit, reported to Brussels in September as
   5.6%, turned out to be 9.3%. Political moves such as the Socialist party's
   decision to increase public servants' pay and benefits had backfired.


Calling for a new king or a different political party to be in charge 
is not going 
to solve the financial problems that a LOT of governments are facing today.

The financial problems have just one cause. Governments spent far more 
than they received in revenues. Everyone knows what happens to an 
individual or family when they spend more than their income. The exact 
same thing is going to happen to some governments and countries.

Things are going to get much worse for the people in jurisdictions where
the government does not have to balance its budget. Portugal, Ireland, 
Greece and Spain have relatively small economies. The financial crises in 
those countries have, so far, effected the residents there the hardest. 

What is hurling your way is the financial crises of the US. Almost half the
states are already bankrupt. The US government now spends more money 
servicing its debt than it does on military expenditure. Keep in mind that
the US is fighting three wars today and yet military expenditure is not
its biggest expense.

The US and every other country with a Quantitative Easing  program is 
trying to solve its financial problems by printing money. This is the Robert 
Mugabe school of economics. The end result for all these countries will be 
the same i.e. the value of their currency will plummet. 

There is a lot of wealth to be made with this knowledge. 


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