According to Rev.Dr. Pratap Naik, S J. ( Herald March 24 ) on Myths and
Facts re: the medium of instruction,
there are in Goa 936 primary schools in Marathi medium and the number of
primary schools in Konkni
medium is 140 out of which 128 are run by the Catholic community.   I think,
it would be safe to assume
that out of 128 , at least, 80 to 90 should belong to the Diocesan Society
of Education(DSE)  of
 the Archbishop of Goa and Daman and these schools are attached to various
churches in Goa.

Having said so, I wonder why the DSE have not taken the initiative to
progressively convert their
Konkni primary schools into English medium primary schools for the benefit
of their catholic
parishioners.  To achieve this objective , all DSE had to do was to
privatize their primany schools
and forfeit grants in aid from the Goa Govt.

There are two magnificent Jesuit schools in Pune. namely St.Vincent H School
and Loyola H School
and both have their primary schools in English medium without enjoying any
Govt. grants. Jesuits
like Rev. William Rodrigues and Rev. Vivian Lobo, who I think are now based
in Goa, could teach
DSE a trick or two to attain this ideal mode of education. After all,
churches in Goa are not exactly
below the poverty level.

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