U. G. Barad  wrote: JC I disagree with your last two paragraphs i.e.

[1] JC: Dr. Barad that the phrase "Opinion Poll WITHOUT extra
expenditure to exchequer" is an oxymoron. If anyone cares to remember
amount of Rupees that were invested in the Opinion Poll "to join or
not to join Maharashtra" by the JOIN group, and that too about 45
years ago, one
would not dream of that today.

BARAD: JC you are talking about an opinion poll which was conducted
exclusively to decide whether Goa should be joined to Maharashtra or
therefore that exclusive opinion poll did cost us money.  My
suggestion is to have the opinion poll on medium of instruction in
primary school along with assembly poll. This will incur insignificant
expenses. For all that is required to be done at each polling station
is to install additional voting machine or issue additional ballot
paper with options to vote for 1) English; 2) Konkani; etc

jc RESPONSE: Dear Dr. Barad, I appreciate your clarification. What you
have suggested should, surely, not cost a lot of money to the
exchequer. However, while that vote might test the 'opinion' of the
voters, I am not sure that it can be called either a "Referendum" or
an "Opinion Poll". But then, you might be right - especially as in
India (and in the tracking polls in the US and UK) TV stations call
their 'straw', telephone or exit polls as Opinion Polls.


2) JC : Besides, if an opinion poll were to be held today, there is a
fair chance that Kannada or Bihari might become the official

BARAD: Question of Kanada, Bihari or for that matter DIGU's vote bank
Urdu does not arise because Goa will have to conduct opinion poll only
chose / decide on medium of instruction at primary level out of 3
choices: 1) English; 2) Konakani; 3) Marathi. Second sub-option for
Konkani selectors could be: a) Devnagri or b) Romi. That's all.

jc RESPONSE: Once again, you are quite right here. My "there is a fair
chance that Kannada or Bihari might become the official language."
comment was merely to stress (like you) the presence of 'Vote Banks"
which may/will soon take over Opinion at the polls.

A Query: (and this is important), (a) IF this matter appears to affect
only the Konkani-medium schools and their parents, should the Marathi
or English medium children's parents be voting on this "proposition"?
And WHAT will the Govt & the Marathi-medium students' parents do IF
the majority vote in favour of English?

Concluding Observation: Never mind the kind of suit they wear for a
particular season, politicians are politicians. They will do what they
have to do to get elected and climb to the 'kodel'. No one is a saint.
The Digukaka whose "urdu vote bank" you now noted, is the same
Digukaka who used the same vote bank as a BJP. The Monster Rat who the
"clean and honesht" one opposed in the Panjim/Panaji civic polls, is
the same one the "clean and honesht" one made arrangements with a few
years ago. In fact, the "clean and honest" one pulled a coup to climb
to the 'kodel' the very first time.

Politicians will divide the voting public and 'assist' them to be
enemies of each other at the time of the Polls and thereafter make Kon
Banega Karodpati deals which would allow them to either gain the
'Public Works ministry' or the the Karods and a big smile on their
faces - along with either a big Cross round their neck or a set of
Divve (oil lamps) by their side and proclaim that they are either
"Coming back home to the BJP" or "I was always a Congressman at heart"
or that they are 'sleeping with the enemy'  ONLY for the purpose of
"providing stability for their beloved Goa".

Yep .....It is a stable alright ......replete with all the
horse-trading which goes on....never mind the Journos in Denial!

Thanks for your post


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