I agree with your sentiments about throwing out the invading Indians 

from Goa. But do have a solution that would make a better place of Goa.
I personally blame our weak and ineffectual Goa government which has 

no backbone to carry out the the laws it sets out, the minsters all bar none 
carry a criminal record 

e.g. Babush Moserratte who is detained now in Mumbai for trying to smuggle 
millions to Dubai 

more than likely ill-gotten.
Can you think we would survive without India? A first class military power that 
could out -gun 

anything we could muster, or block any imports by a naval blockade.
What India could do is to interfere into the business of of the Goa goverment 

rake out the illegalities that  it carries out on the Goan populace by 
the criminals in the Goa Government. and make them toe the line.
Only then we might have any respect for the Indian Government until
then they would be scorned by many Goans.
With Regards
Ignatius Fernandes

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