Dear Selma,

Congratulations for an article which is well thought out and which is spot
on regarding the vexing Medium of Instruction imbroglio which is tearing Goa

Forget Anna Hazare, forget the Monster Rat, what has been occupying the
minds of the 'aam aadmi' parent has been the issue of the Government policy
on the Medium of Instruction. The situation is distressing. The aam aadmi
naturally wants the best for his or her child's future and wants to provide
the child what he was deprived of. You have rightly pointed out that the
elite in Goa, the legislators, the smugglers and the builders can afford to
send their children to Sharada Mandir, Manovikas and a few hundred primary
schools dishing out the English medium that have mushroomed over night in
Amchem Bhangarachem Goyem. Some of these neo- primaries often lack basic
amenities and are housed in premises which are totally unsuitable, but when
the demand is there, there will always be a supplier and most important, a

 This case for English as a Medium of Instruction is compounded by the fact
that new self styled 'English academies' have also sprung up to accommodate
foreigh students. Some of these academies are merely cashing on the demand
from foreign students to learn English. Presumably these foreign students
have studied in their own mother tongues. They have realized the importance
of English for getting on in life.

Would that these diehards  who are hell bent on imposing the tyranny of the
masses learn not to bully a Government into submission on this very vital
and important issue because of sentiment and emotion.

(Sigh) Wishful thinking. And life rolls on..............


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


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