The story of our special guests – Bulbuls

Of the 4 bedrooms, one is hardly used or used on an 
average twice a week mainly cleaning and laundry drying.

One day we saw bird’s nest just above the bed (lamp shade).
There were two eggs.
Next day we saw one hatched 
The couple visiting in and out now with the feeds
The little one is fast growing up (only one).

10 days old today, we could see it head held high 
(in the nest) but the moment it sees us or hear some 
unusual noises it will lower it’s to hide from us.

It flew down from the nest, straight into the corner (floor).
The parents started making noises for they knew it was 
not safe.
They, particularly the mother, would not allow us to 
come anywhere closer to the baby It would come attacking 
us ferociously. 
We drove them out and quickly close the windows.
Then the naughty little one would fly and run from one 
corner to another in fear.
Somehow we managed to catch the little fellow and then 
put it back in the nest.
We did it 3 time in two days.
But on the 11th day, today, the little one, like every 
little mischief child, would not seat at one place, flew out 
of it’s nest once again.
We found out from the noises the parents made. 

We saw the little one on the bed, from there it flew 
and perched on the window grills.
The parents were just outside watching its every steps.

Once again, the little fellow flew out of the window 
straight on the ground outside
A crow came from nowhere and took the little one
in it’s beak (as they do for chicken) right in front of 
us. The parents run after the crow but all in vein.
The duo soon came back at the window as if their 
little one is still in its nest

What a tragic ending!
We are all upset at home.

The trio was like a part of out house
We even feed them buns crumbs and the parents 
would also feed the baby with the same.
Can’t believe it all happened right infront of us.

I put together some pics and clips in this presentation


Some pics 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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