My response: Seb, you are nothing less than what you have written i.e. it is
useless to correct someone on goanet, as they will always try to justify
their point, in the process remain ignorant. Ego problem u see.. Secondly, I
don’t understand why you had to change subject line by adding the words
‘Lighter Moment’ to the actual subject line which was ‘I is heavy..... is
heavy...demand for XXX is adjourned!’ I also don’t understand
why you used words ‘lighter moment’ when it is actually a ‘complex moment’. 

Seb, do you know that present speaker’s total experience is (4 ½ + 4 ½
years) 9 years as speaker and yet he says the same thing as in subject line.
In simple English, your defense (in reply to my response) as written by you
(appended below) has no meaning and is childish. You can continue to wearing
hearing aid and listen to your favorite idiot box and your favorite Speaker

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Seb had earlier written: Its useless to correct someone on goanet, as they
will always try to justify their point, in the process remain ignorent. Ego
problem u see.. 

Now Seb write: Now Mr. Barad... answer in a very simple English language; I
know it may be a bit difficult for you, so I'll make it more simple:

1. On 6th April it can't be heard (as per your mail to goanet on 6th April)

2. On 8th April it can be heard very clearly (as per your mail to goanet on
8th April)

One of the above dates you wasn't wearing your 'Hearing Aid'.
(Strike out which is not Applicable)
6th April : Was Wearing 'Hearing Aid'/ Was Not Wearing 'Hearing Aid'
8th April : Was Wearing 'Hearing Aid'/ Was Not Wearing 'Hearing Aid'

My earlier response: U see Seb, one good mango in a basketful of rotten
mangos always tend to get moldy. So who is to be blamed - already spoiled
mangoes in the basket or one which is fresh which may get because of
surrounding influence? 

Let me conclude this short message with Jimmy Fallon's quote - Don't keep
reaching for the stars because you'll just look like an idiot stretching
that way for no reason. 

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