Attic Outdoors LLC are organizing a Grand Konkani Musical Comedy entitled "Goan Fiesta 2011" on 29th April 2011. This entire group of 17 stars are performing at Al-Nasr Leisure land in Dubai on the 28th April 2011 and flying to Oman the next day for the show.

This is the first time a galaxy of 17 Konkani Stars would be performing together in Oman.

Date: April 29, 2011

Time: 5 - 9pm

Venue: Ramee Dream Resort, Seeb

Tickets: Omani Riyals 5.000 & 7.000

Seating Capacity: 1500 people

Tickets Contact: Blake Vaz of Attic Outdoors LLC

Attic Outdoors LLC will be arranging 6 buses to transport guests to & from Ruwi Church, Ghala Church and Ghoubra.

Cast of Singers: Lorna (Goa’s Nightingale) along with Francis De Tuvem, Lawry Travasso, Xavier Gomes, Peter-Roshan, Dubai Trio (Edwin, Anthony & Munixin)

Cast of Comedians: Dominic, Luis Bachan, Selvy, Sally and Anita

Musicians: Norman Cardozo, Agnelo, Paklo (Xavier), Rafael.

Guests of Honour: Shri. Digambar Kamat (Chief Minister of Goa)
                  Shri. Churchill Alemao (PWD Minister of Goa)

Source: Savio Martyres

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