On 14 April 2011 01:27, U. G. Barad <dr.udayba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hope you read my recent response sent to Seb on above subject, before you
> key in your response, although you are most welcome with any kneejerk
> reactions/responses.
> Best regards,
> U. G. Barad

RESPONSE: No I have not read your recent response sent to Seb. He asked you
this, to refresh your memory:-

Answer in simple english..childish if you would like to say so.

Do you have hearing problems??

As on 6th u wrote telling FN u could not hear!

On 8th u wrote u could hear clearly 'I is heavy I is heavy',that too only
after FN corrected you!!

Now please confirm if what u wrote on 6th is correct or what u wrote on 8th

Please answer if all is well or u are the forgetting type.
No need of going around the mullberry bush..


Now please kindly do the necessary and respond to him. If you can't or are
unable to do so, please state why. Please do not pose any more questions to
Members of this forum, if you, yourself are unable to answer.


Gabe Menezes.

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