Indo-German Friendship Society Goa


        Fundacao Oriente

 invite you to a presentation by

      Luis de Assis Correia


The European Influence in Goa and the German contribution to the Indo-Portuguese Trade in the 16th - 18th centuries

Date: Friday, April 29, 2011

Time: 5:30pm

Location: Fundacao Oriente, Behind People's High School, Fontainhas, Panaji, Goa

Luis de Assis Correia, from Velim, Goa, has a degree in Economics from St. Xavier’s College in Bombay. In addition to his work as a journalist, he has several published works including, "Goa through the Mists of History, 10,000 BC to AD 1958 – A Selective Compilation of the Genesis of Goa" and "Portuguese India - Mumbai, Chaúl, Vasai - 1498 ~ 1739”.

Luis de Assis Correia currently lives in the UK and maintains regular contact with Goa, Mumbai, Canada, East Africa and the UK. He is fluent in Portuguese, English, Konkani and Latin, and makes use of these languages ​​in the historical research that he has pursued over the years.

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