<<Fr Ivo,
You take such a simple story of an unassuming mystic and rebel, a story of 
love, selflessness and hope for mankind and turn it into a highbrow and 
organized religious credo of tridiuum, paschal, Eucharist, parabolic, salvific, 
Johannine, agappan and other Roman and Hebrew mumbo-jumbo.

None of this mumbo-jumbo helped the ones who knew it, but chose to ignore it 
when entrusted with innocent young souls in their care. Nor did it help those 
in charge of them who should have poured the wrath of God on their unholy 
transgressions or at the very least let them loose them into the public legal 

God may forgive but we sinners find it difficult to do so.

**Dear Roland,
I do not know you, much less your frustrations. If we or others in the world or 
church history did not follow in the steps of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of 
God, we cannot do anything. Just pray for forgiveness. What you wrote does not 
destroy the reflections that I gave about the Eucharist and foot-washing, which 
is being celebrated throughout the world. People are committed to Jesus.

*Fr.Ivo da Conceição Souza 
We are celebrating the Holy Triduum. It is the greatest event for the Christian 
community all over the world, since it is the celebration of the Paschal 
Mystery: Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. 

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