For the kind favour of publication.


Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) in association with Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) 
observed Konknni Cinema Dis (Day) on April 24, 2011. It was on this day, in the 
year 1950 that the first Konknni cinema – Mogacho Aunddo – was premiered. This 
film was produced and directed by A L Jerry Braganza, who also acted in the 
lead role along with Leena Fernandes. Since Mogacho Aunddo was the first 
Konknni film on the silver screen, A L Jerry Braganza has rightly been 
considered as the Father of Konknni Cinema.
        Rajendra Talak, noted Konknni filmmaker and recipient of many national 
awards, graced the function as the Chief Guest. The presidents of the TAG and 
the DKA, Tomazinho Cardozo and Premanand Lotlikar respectively too shared the 
space on the dais. 
        The gathering was welcomed by Premanand Lotlikar. In his speech, the 
president of the DKA, stressed on the immense contribution of A L Jerry 
Braganza to Konknni films. A L Jerry Braganza ventured in a place that no one 
before him had dared to go, he said. In order to raise the finances for the 
movie, A L Jerry Braganza visited each and every kudd (Goan club) in Bombay and 
did not hesitate to collect a donation of even five rupees. The shares of ETICA 
(Exchange Talkies of India, China and Africa) which co-produced the movie came 
in for a special mention during the function. What was interesting to note was 
that Premanand Lotlikar, by a dint of good fortune, came across a share 
certificate of ETICA and displayed the facsimile of the same to the gathered 
audience. He also shared a letter, which states that the said company was also 
in the process of producing two documentaries, but unfortunately no record so 
far is available of them, the DKA president informed. He also opined t
 hat perhaps, due to the huge financial resources required to make a film, A L 
Jerry Braganza may even have taken loans without thinking as to how to repay 
        Rajendra Talak in his address marveled at the feat achieved by the 
Father of Konknni cinema. He said that even with the latest technology and 
equipment available, the task of making a film is not rendered any easier and 
hence it would be have been a lot more difficult to make movies during the time 
of A L Jerry Braganza. Rajendra Talak suggested that such a historic day like 
this and such a colossal contribution to Konknni cinema by A L Jerry Braganza 
merits not a modest function like the one organized by TAG and DKA but a 
full-fledged Konknni film festival lasting a few days. He pledged his full 
support to any future endeavours by TAG and DKA (which incidentally do have big 
plans in the future). Rajendra Talak was also happy to inform that the number 
of people going to theatres to watch a Konknni movie is steadily increasing. 
There is a need, he stated, for directors and producers to continuously offer 
good Konknni cinema as people are starting to appreciate such films.  
        The common thread running through all speeches of recognizing the true 
contributions of personalities hitherto neglected (like A L Jerry Braganza) and 
giving them their due was also found in the address of Tomazinho Cardozo. He 
was of the opinion that comparing Konknni films with that of Bollywood films 
was not proper. This is because Bollywood films are made on a huge budget 
compared to a budget of a few lakhs spent to produce Konknni films. By 
unceremoniously dismissing a Konknni film as substandard, Tomazinho opined, 
that we dismiss the hard labour of everyone associated with the film. It is our 
duty, he stressed, to purchase a ticket and watch every Konknni film as that is 
the only way films in Konknni can thrive.
        The formal function was followed by a brief musical programme wherein 
Succoro de Santacruz, Sonia Fernandes, Clarissa Fernandes and Maria Cardozo 
belted out hits from Konknni films and they were accompanied on the keyboards 
by Mukhesh Ghatwal. Walter Menezes compered the function and gave valuable 
information about Mogacho Aunddo.

(A version of this article appeared on Gomantak Times, dt: April 27, 2011)

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