There is a great potential in young people. They are like dynamite.
Dynamite can do great good when used in the right way. In the wrong
hands, though, it can be used to take life.  Young people have the
same potential for good or bad. Youth power is a spark which can
either brighten or burn the country. Adolph Hitler understood the
power of young people. After he came to power in Germany in 1932 one
of the early actions he took was to outlaw all youth groups.

Youth power has been regarded as an inexhaustible reservoir of human
resources. Youth are one of the greatest assets that any nation can
have. Not only are they regarded as the future leaders but they are
potentially and actually the greatest investment for a country’s
development. Films like Rang de Basanti revolutionized the thinking of
youth of our country. This shows, the concern of our young generation
for our country and need to take affirmative steps to make sure youth
becomes powerful and determined to do needful for the county. For this
certain steps need to be taken to galvanise and channelise the power
of the youth. It would require role models who could inspire and
motivate the younger generation.

Goans may be traditionally known to be “Susegad” but in the 70’s the
student and youth power was a force to be reckoned with. On almost
every issue we made the government come down on its knees. The
disintegration of this very vibrant student power started when
political parties started having their student wings. The student
voice got fragmented and so did their power.

Over the last few years in particular the interest of students and
youth on social issues has further decimated with the coming in of
swanky TV’s, computers and laptops. Even  activities of the otherwise
very active socio- cultural youth groups is today unheard of.  Goa
needs to channelise its youth and inculcate in them a sense of
responsibility to commit themselves in the State’s upliftment.

On the political horizon the Youth of Goa can help in cleansing the
stink in the political stables. Goa’s entire political system is
infested with opportunism, nepotism, corruption, deception, fraud, and
shrewd tactics. The government today has no clear far-sighted goals
and no well-thought-out programmes. Goa today is in the hands of
corrupt  and power-hungry politicians who are  unwilling to make way
for the younger generation.

There is a lot of frustration amongst the youth today. The suicide
rate is very high. A lot of them have become addicts of drug, alcohol
and gambling.  A lot of our youth have taken to petty and major
crimes.  We lack a social support system to counsel, guide and get
them out of the woods.

Politicians use the youth only for elections and then they are
forgotten and uncared for. While the politicians keep contesting again
and again the only young faces they introduce to the electoral battles
are their own children. The youth today also hit a road block even
while applying for government jobs.  They go through all the rigours
of applying and attending job interviews only to realise that the
candidates were finalised even before the vacancy was advertised.

It is time our youth ponder on the present sad state of Goa. It is
very difficult to see our Goa getting ruined by man made disasters
which could have been avoided or stopped by a vibrant youth force.
Goans keep blaming politicians, the government, their policies,
officers and others but the youth ought to see their responsibility
towards rescuing Goa.

In this age of modernization our purpose has shifted to fulfill our
endless desires. In due course we lost the life values and have even
exploited the nature. We can see that nature has lost its balance.
Communication of man and nature is cut off. All this is caused due to
superficial, improper knowledge and lack of awareness in our
desperate efforts for winning in the competition with others. We have
been constantly working to walk with western countries thinking that
success lies by being equivalent to them.

The Youth of Goa more than ever should be engaged in the socio,
economic and political development of the State.  Young people, as
members of a dynamic group in society, play a crucial role in
positively transforming an in building the foundations of a democratic
and peaceful society. Youth of Goa have the potential to create
networks, mutual support structures and common platforms to share
resources, know-how and ideas. Our Youth can also create ideas that
solve old problems in innovative ways.

Our youth are not failing the system. It is the system that is failing
our youth. The Youth have to be encouraged and listened to. Having
youth as members on various Government boards and commissions could be
a rewarding experience that will benefit us all. The adult could
benefit from the fresh perspective, optimism, and enthusiasm that
youth could bring to any discussion or debate. Youth have to feel that
their voice is valued and that they have a role and make an impact in
decision making.

Today the youth of Goa are dying young. We all have a duty to ensure
that Goa lives long.  The youth in Goa should take a cue of the recent
activity that took place in Egypt where the youth force ensured a
transformation. The Youth power in Goa can also ensure this. There is
so much that can be done by the youth for the betterment of the State.
To start with our youth could be focused on one goal.  A corruption
free Goa. If they could work successfully towards this mission we will
have won the war. The future of whatever remains of Goa is the hands
of the Youth.  I am confident the Youth force in Goa will deliver.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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