Wilson Wilmix  wrote:

It is here that the the Overseas Goans can be of great help. I don?t mean to 
say that the Overseas Goans  should ?shell-out? all their life?s savings into 
this.  No!
But , by just by setting aside  Ind. Rs. 100/- for saving Goa , 5 Lakh Overseas 
Goans  can collect Ind. Rs. 5 crores . 
This could easily finance the election campaign of 10 candidates @ Ind. Rs. 
50,00,000/= per candidate. Is this something very difficult ?
Think it over, my fellow Overseas Goans. Each one of you, could do your bit to 
?SAVE GOA? , your Motherland , for just Rs. 100/-.
If you lose this opportunity, in the forthcoming Elections, it may be too late 
for Goa.Goa could be lost for ever.
Come together. Fight over it , if you must. It is worth it, if only to save 
Goa. And remember, ?a stitch in time, saves nine?.

I never once believed  when many here locally told me that Overseas Goans only 
talk, never do.
Neither did I believe , when many told me that even those ?Overseas Goans? who 
will be supportive initially , will eventually ?chicken-out?.


Where is the roadmap to achieve the objectives of  Mr Wilmix Wilson Mazarello?  
Many Overseas Goans are more than willing to fund but where is the leadership.  
Where are the resident Goans who are ready to take the bull by its horn?  We 
have had supported few NGO's for the Goan cause but yet to get any response on 
how the money was spent.  Collecting money is one thing and spending it for the 
real cause is another thing.  GRA is yet to get the desired response to it 
calls.  If GRA (Village Groups) do not get the support at the grass root level 
then there is something missing in resident Gaons will power. Merely blaming 
NRG across the globe will not help.  Any Tom Dick and Harry can give a call to 
collect funds but without accountability NRG's will not fall for it.  Let the 
like minded people who are ready to challenge the present politicos form a 
viable panel to contest election and NRG will support them.  The panel should 
sign a sworn affidavit with that they will stay in power with the sole 
intention for what they have been funded and should resign if they fail in 
their task.  We have seen many using public sympathy to come to power only to 
stick to it as if they got this power as their birthright to loot and plunder 
Goa and Goans.

Goa Su Raj ( www.goasu-raj.org  ) has a good road map for those who are 
interested can adopt, modify and implement it.

Warm Regards,

Agnelo Pinheiro

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