I refer Jonas *Correia’s letter, FFs: Stop raising issues *in Oheraldo dated
4th May 2011 and would like to know from the LOO Manohar Parrikar to come
out clean of the correct ages of the people who are claiming themselves as
FFs since he too graciously extended the privileges to these unknown people
by way of the tax payers money during his stint as CM for 4 and half years.
I don’t have any faith on the present govt. nor do I trust the self declared
FFs since it is hard for me to acknowledge that the FFs would have had such
a long life expectancy in this highly polluted world. I really wonder
whether FFs still really exist since they are silent on  other critical
issues threatening the existence of Goans in their own land. So are they
really FFs or are they Free Loaders or Dole Fighers? If not the Loo, can
someone or any of the newspapers please enlighten me?

*Rupert Coutinho*


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