Dear Aires,
FN's point of legal mining, which is over and bove ustainable pace is well 
take. Issue also exists of the Rs 50,000/month of each of the 3 lakh Goan 
families (OWNERS of mineral resources) which is being allowed to be hijacked by 
a handful families (LESSEES) by the government (CUSTODIAN/TRUSTEE of mineral 
resources) accoring to the Doctine of Public Trust. 
Let us now come to illegal aspects of mining.
Agreed that Digu has the LION's SHARE in the RAPE OF GOA by MINING SHARKS, who 
have swallowed entire EAST GOA. This RAPE has become many times bigger, making 
the excesses of Babush 5 years ago look like mere MOLESTATIONs. Only difference 
is that many bites of BUILDER PIRANHAS were visible day-in-and-day-out to the 
people of WEST GOA.
Having said that, Pigu also has his SHARE in the RAPE OF GOA. 
Parrikar had alleged (Herald 3rd Sep 2010) police-illegal mining nexus at 
Bicholim saying, “If the Bicholim PI continues there for another year, he will 
be the richest man. He will be richer than any drug pushers…I am making this 
statement with full knowledge”. After this rhetoric, which received many an 
accolades, he absconded on the issue.
BJP also claimed, illegal iron ore export worth Rs 4,000 crore from Goa per 
Compare this with mere Rs 1,000 crore illegal mining in Karnataka, which is 40 
times bigger than Goa by area as well as population. Though the illegal mining 
in Karnataka is only a fourth of that in Goa, the Opposition in Karnataka held 
the Assembly to ransom making the CM to take stringent corrective actions. They 
produced films to make mining excesses public. They activated National press to 
highlight the goondaism. But BJP/Parrikar did nothing like that in Goa except 
to be in press saying this should be done and that should be done. Does this 
not point that he is waiting to do the same thing what Digu did if at all he 
comes to power? Does this also not indicate raising of illegal mining boggey 
only for blackmail, as is done by its associate Shivsena in Maharashtra?
Compare this with the pains Subramaniam Swamy persistently pursued in the 
Courts to convict the guilty Raja in 2G Spectrum case. Parrikar did no such 
thing though he is more capable than Swamy. 
Frederick Noronha <> reponded:
Aires, What exactly is "illegal" mining? By focussing on "illegal
mining" (I counted the word seven times in your post) are you
suggesting that "legal mining" is not a problem in Goa?

While writing on the environment in the past (since the late 1980s) we
noticed that villagers in the hinterland were complaining about the
huge footprint mining as a whole left on their face. Its impact is
visible for all to see.

This "illegal mining" discourse is a recent addition, aimed at
deflecting attention from a wider problem. I think the Opposition too
has been playing this game; what is your stand on it? FN

On 4 May 2011 11:44, Aires Rodrigues <> wrote:
> The current rampant illegal mining is the biggest critical threat
> facing this once beautiful Goa. During the recent session of the Goa
> Legislative Assembly, Speaker Pratapsingh Rane thundered that illegal
> mining was a rape of Goa. Curiously he has been silent all this while,
> merrily witnessing, if not condoning, all that raping around. Indeed
> he continues speechless and spineless in the face of such illegal
> activity going on even in his very backyard, at Satari, with the
> alleged blessings of his son, the Health Minister of Goa Mr. Vishwajit
> Rane.
> Chief Minister of Goa, Mr. Digambar Kamat too recently called for the
> hanging of those involved in illegal mining. It is public knowledge
> that over half of the current Ministers and MLA?s, including the Chief
> Minister himself, have direct or indirect interests in mining, much of
> which is known to be illegal. ?So whom will you hang, Mr. Chief
> Minister? You should be taking the responsibility for strangulating
> Goa?s natural resources and, thereby, the people of Goa particularly
> the Aam Aadmi. The Chief Minister and his colleagues in this illegal
> mining may think that have made fast bucks. But posterity will not
> forgive them. Their souls may never rest in peace while their progeny
> may pay a terrible price as well. This illegal mining will haunt them
> for eternity.

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