Dear Rico,

The topic of disaster management is not simple and cannot be discussed over Balcao sittings with a cup tea or a glass of feni in hand.

This is a serious matter and the State-wide preparedness is necessary with pre-determined mock exercises ( not the Naka-Bandi type where guys in Delhi sneeze and our guys in Goa catch the cold) :-))

If you are interested to know what goasuraj thinks of 'Disaster Management' at State level, please check goasuraj's ROADMAP FOR GOA, Chapter II (8)
and you will know what we are talking about.

The State of Goa under the Congress, the BJP or the NCP can never have such preparedness as we have detailed therein. I don't know why these blokes do not refer the this 'document' and copy it's contents, instead of being the bulldozers for the mining industry in Goa. It would do a world of good for Goa and Goans.

BTW when I refer to Balcao above, I do not mean the Friday Balcao organized by Roland Martins.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Frederick Noronha" <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on People's preparedness & participation in Disaster Management in Goa.

Floriano, Looks like the usual red herring --  doing it for money! And no
small amounts here, nothing less than one crore at that! Either you don't
have an idea of how broke the State is, or I'm misreading how desperate
Dig-bab is.

I would think it unfair to criticise someone on the basis of what issues
they choose to take up.

If you have any specific reason to see a quid pro quo, please state it.
Otherwise, vague kite-flying could be less than fair too, isn't it? FN

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