This is a retrograde step in education policy that destroys the very
base of education, and will destroy the ability of children to learn. A child’s
very ability to recognise it’s capabilities in learning will be taken away as
there is no motivation to study and learn. Similarly the child’s competitive
ability to do better (healthy competition) than the others is lacking. A child
will fail to learn to counteract and to accept small failures as a part of life
and recognise them as a motivation to do better the next time. Parents will be
more stressed as children will be throughout watching the idiot box or be  out 
playing. They will be like
government servants getting salaries immaterial of whether they work or not.

More problems will await children and parents when the child reaches
standard VIII and at the age of about 12 years. There will be many among the
failures who will discontinue studies, as they cannot cope with failures. Many
may resort to suicides as they have watched on the idiot box. Some of the
schools may pass undeserving students as they may have less numbers in the IX
The government should realise not to play politics with education.
Children should do learn and should learn from young. And by young it means
from the cradle. A child becomes demanding when  parents respond to every 
demand of theirs. A condition
reflex learnt by them with cries from their cradle. If parents knew to
recognise and not respond to false cries, the child would not throw tantrums
later in life. This just goes to confirm that children start learning very
early, and the earlier they learn, pleasant or unpleasant incidents, the better
a child can cope up with it.
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


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