Dear GoanettersMaking saints can be termed as saint bazaar or saint sale at a 
discount rate.

> Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 13:50:50 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] John Paul II - Blessed or Cursed?
> [1] R Fernandes:Can we PLEASE NOT discuss (negatively) or argue or
> ridicule our RELIGION on a public forum? ...have respect for the POPE
> and more so for our Religion. Let's not wash the dirty linen in
> public.
> Could the moderators of Goanet please draw a line to control certain posts?
> [2] Roland Francis wrote: Fr Ivo .... This very man who is now
> "beatified" and whom you so effusively praise, played the main role in
> the cover-up of the church's massive child abuse scandals. The word
> 'abuse' is mild and misleading. It should really be called child rape
> and destruction of lives but that is a digression.
> ALLEGATIONS that the late pontiff blocked an inquiry into a paedophile
> cardinal, promoted senior church figures despite accusations that they
> had molested boys and covered up innumerable cases of abuse during his
> 26-year papacy have cast ...The most serious claims are related to
> Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer, an Austrian friend of John Paul’s who
> ABUSED an estimated 2,000 boys over decades but never faced any
> sanction from Rome.
> Stanislaw Obirek, a Polish theologian and a FORMER Jesuit priest,
> said: “I believe John Paul is the key person responsible for the
> cover-up of abuse cases because most of it occurred during his papacy.
> How can someone who is to blame for this be beatified?”
> Dears,
> a: I disagree with R. Fernandes. Child Abuse is a serious crime. It
> should be exposed right out in the that the known few are
> never again allowed again to cause the good priests to suffer the
> mistrust and suspicion.
> b: While I know that 'abusers' have infected many segments of life,
> and that one finds them among the 'guardians' of many faiths, I am
> happy that all the Catholic Church leaders (I personally know) have
> taken a firm 'zero tolerance' on such matters. I seriously doubt that
> this would have been possible if not for the exposure.
> c: Having said that, we all (possibly) know that the Catholic Church
> is a specific target for selective attack. It is perceived as being
> rich and has disturbed the status quo by helping the poor and
> educating them (esp in countries like India with its caste
> discrimination).
> d: I'd think a million times before accepting the word of a man/woman
> who has been dumped by a woman/man, a priest who has left the Church,
> or anyone who is upset that he/she cannot commit bigamy or cannot
> remarry in the church after stranding his/her first spouse and
> possibly ....the children.
> e: Until one knows ALL the possibly available facts and analyses them
> fairly and reasonably, all one will end up doing is a hatchet job
> replete with hate, obsession, ignorance and libel.
> f: On the basis of what I know of John Paul II's life, I applaud his
> Beatification. Having noted that, I'd say that there are many others
> in need of attention.
> g: Atheists, non-church-goers and those who are just plain negative
> ...may not understand this.
> jc

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