Leave it in the hands of Parents!

Goemkar hanv Khas,Concanim Mhoji Bhas!
 With regard to the script,I am really not concerned about the script 
and at the same time,I have got nothing against Marathi.With regard to 
the future of my children,I will try my level best to get them educated 
in a English Medium School.I studied in a local,English medium Parish 
school but things are different now.
I know what is best for my 
children.I really don't need any advise from so called experts.If there 
were so called experts in Goa,our Goa would not have been ruined and 
raped miserably.
In plain,simple language,I wish to educate my 
children in a English  medium school.I am aware of my culture,tradition 
and what I am supposed to do.
Forget about the laws or acts,Everybody has the Right to chose the Medium of 
Education,It's common sense.
Shashikala is a expired medicine and needs to be disposed off  immediately

Joel Morais
mob - 9970561727

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