‘Your Goa 101’ Presentation in Toronto



The G.O.A. (Goan Overseas Association) Toronto’s
first ever “Your Goa 101” presentation was attended by over 80 Goans in Toronto 
Saturday, May 7, 2011.


It was ably organized by Marcelina Dias, the
Cultural Secretary of the G.O.A. Toronto.



Marcelina Dias started the seminar with an
introduction of the presentation and  the objective behind it.


The emcee and facilitator, Rachel Castelino
introduced the presenters.



Silviano Barbosa, author of the novel, “The Sixth
Night” started the session by giving a brief overview  of Goa’s history, 
geography, economy, people, culture,
tourism and food.



Mel D’Souza, author of the book, “Feasts, Feni and
Firecrackers” focused on the
assets of our rich heritage and defined the four characteristics of a Goan.



This was followed by a Konkani lesson. The English
phrases recited by Marcelina were translated by Serah Barbosa  in Konkani and 
then repeated by the audience.This interaction was quite positive and exciting
for the audience.



A  group song
depicting the raising of the toast “Uddon Guelem” was
sung  in Konkani. 


Marcelina Dias gave a brief background of the
origin of the Goan cuisine.


The “Know Goa” Participants Presentation was quite impressive with the young  
Michelle Dias and Rebecca Castelino, who

described their own views about Goa, the land, the
people and the environment from their recent Goan trip paid for by the 
Government of Goa. They showed a series of pictures taken in Goa to make their 
point. Their
visits to the University of Goa, mining sites, Legislative Assembly, the
beaches, National Parks, Goa Chitra, Bigfoot and other places were highlighted.



There were a lot of questions and suggestions from
the audience including from the representatives of
I.G.O. regarding Goa, what  NRIs could do to help Goa and where Goa was heading 



Recent books by Goan authors from Goa and Canada
were on sale.



A popular DVD “Goa, Pearl of the Orient” by
Agostinho Da Cruz was played at the beginning of the seminar.



There were a couple of stalls selling Goan
sausages, pickles and other Goan foods. 

There were a lot of Goan crafts and artifacts on
display.There was a raffle in aid of Goa Chitra.


Renowned Canadian Goan architect Braz Menezes made
an announcement of  his
upcoming “THE MATATA TRILOGY”  based on
life in Kenya. 

On the whole this presentation went a long way in
terms of the audience participation and satisfaction  in knowing a lot about 
Goa they did not know of. 


The audience which included some young people
indicated that there was a need for continuing this type of
discourse so more youth would be aware of their roots and heritage. 



Silviano Barbosa
N.B.   Sorry I mistyped the name of young Rebecca Castelino who worked very 
hard along with Michelle Dias, and replaced it with her sister's name "Rachel 
Castelino" in "The Know Goa" participants..paragraph in my original post.I 
sincerely regret the error. Rachel Castelino, her sister, was the emcee however.
Thanks to all the overseas goanetters such as Rene Barreto and George Pinto for 
showing a lot of interest in the above programme and emailing me privately.By 
the way there was a sumptuous meal of pulau & sorpotel and chick peas and also 
some Goan desserts such as "mandoss" and "goddshem" included in the meal and 
prepared by Mrs. Goes for this occasion. 


Silviano Barbosa





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