Am i shocked? and are these the only words that naturally come in your konkani?

Am not a fan of marathi.....will never be......but as for Bernado Colaco ....looks like the only thing worth writing in here in konkani is "Chont Alloi".

Shocked also at the moderators of this forum who didn't sensor this post....with such graphic words.

By the way Bernado...if you want konkani to teach "such" words in "your" konkani school......looks like thats why you are educated with such level of decency so far only to use such crap of a language....that you couldnt write anything decent in response.

Remember crude your a cheap low life yellow livered SOB who has disintegrated the love for konkani & in the name of konkani....tries to make a name for yourself.

Pal I responded in english. Let me see if you got the guts or the balls to write a few words in response in "PURE RICH KONKANI"........and that to WITHOUT any slang.

otherwise .....with the millions of millions in Goa as my friend the ROCK says "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" and as you say "chont alloit rao"

.....or it could be an all out war here where the marathi manus...may say to you "Tuja Aaii La...."

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