Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

JIO, -I, -EM alive

JIO ASUNC to be alive, to live

JIO MARUNC to kill, to assassinate

JIO ZAUNC to rise from the dead, to come to life again

JIU m. life, soul, vigour

JIU ASONC to be alive

JIU BORONC to reanimate, to regain the strength


JIU DIUNC to commit suicide

JIU DIUNC to love extremely

JIU GEUNC to assassinate, to murder

JIU VOCHUNC to expire, to die, to feel acute pain

JIVANN n. a living creature

JIVAR UTTONC to disregard ones life, to be self-denying

JIVESSIM MARUNC to kill, to murder


JIVIT n. life

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published in 1930. Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian
Educational Services, Rs 195 in India.]

E&OE: Errors and ommissions excepted.

NOTE: This text is being reproduced as it is copyright-free. Its source is a
dictionary dating back to 1930,  and is written style may have changed
since. If you have any suggestions about modern day usage for the above
words, please share via goa...@goanet.org

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

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