Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

MOEM n mask

MOENCAR m masquerade, mummery

MOG n jug

MOG m love

MOG mug, a cup of metal

MOG CORUNC to love

MOGACHO, -I, -EM loving, affectionate

MOGALL kind, affectionate, courteous


MOGELO, -I, -EM my, mine

MOGREM n michaelmas daisy

MOGREPONN moroseness, silent opposition

MOGRO, -I, -EM reserved, displeasing, heedless

MOI f hind, deer

MOIA f love, affection

MOIDON n plain, field

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published in 1930. Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian
Educational Services, Rs 195 in India.]

Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and written style may have changed since.

Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. Copyleft.
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