Today Goa is attacked on various fronts with respect to its Land,
Environment, Culture & Identity. The critical reasons are Excessive/Illegal
Mining, Rampant/Illegal Hill Cutting, Encouraged Migrant vote banks and
un-controlled migration into Goa, Very high Level of corruption, Faulty
Employment policies forcing Goans to migrate, Mega Projects which do
not favor Goans, Garbage/Sewage crisis, Illegal land conversions favoring
the real estate lobby, Drug Menace etc. All of the these are facilitated
by Powerful Mining Companies, Real Estate Lobby, Land Sharks, Powerful
National Politicians/Companies who use their Goan Politicians as their
agents; and last but not least the Excessively Corrupt Goan Politicians

I had initially hoped that these Global Conventions would bring Goans
together, to address the critical issues and facilitate some progress. I
have attended Conventions in Goa (Jan 2007) and Oman (2009) and am very
disappointed that there has been no significant action/progress for Goa. My
criticism to be clear is not on the organizers, like for example the Muscat
Goans who organized a good event but my criticism is on the overall purpose
of having these conventions. Whilst yes in the last two conventions i.e.
Oman and Kuwait, there were speakers for Goa and Its Identity however the
sad part is that our corrupt government has ignored these pleas, as it would
stop the sources of illegitimate income.

How many of us really see that of we Goans do not act for Goa, then Goa that
we know of today will soon be Gone! Will these "Goan" Conventions be
relevant in the future if we lose our "Goan" Identity in Goa, or do we then
just adapt and rename these Conventions to say for example Global "Jolly
Indian" Convention?

My Direct Question to the Organizers and the Delegates for the London
Convention: Are you all just planning to have just another "socializing
event" convention with just fun, frolic, and entertainment? OR in addition
to the latter, can we also use this Convention as an opportunity on Global
Stage to, if I may suggest:

(1) Show our disgust with the Anti-Goan Policies of the Goa Government *(can
there be some sort of civilized protest e.g. Black Arm Band Protest)*

(2) Voice out strongly on the urgent need for Goa to preserve its Land,
Environment & identity.

(3) Invite Prominent Activists from Goa and organize meetings with UK Based
Goans to support our common cause.

(4) Chalk out an action plan on how UK Goans can contribute or work together
with Goans in Goa, to address Goa's Critical Issues

(5) Ensure a system of follow-up is setup from one convention to the other
(Which Currently I have not seen being done; please correct me if I am

(6) Publicize all of the above.

If this Convention and future conventions are at all to be successful in my
mind, then the most critical issues of Goa that I have stated above must be
addressed, with a timely action plan. If these issues are not addressed not
then in my opinion, these Conventions are a just waste of time, valuable
resources and are actually not held for Goa's Genuine Interests but are
actually held for other reasons!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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