Dear Tonybab de Sa,

Jules Verne wrote fiction. He did not claim that his writings were supposed to 
established scientific facts that were discovered by someone like Prof. Sam 
Chang of the Human Genome Project. So no. Nobody would have had any reason to 
challenge his writings in his time or now. I for one would have advised people 
to read his great stories. 

Now, my understanding is that what you posted on Goanet was supposed to be a 
statement of fact, not fiction. Please correct me if I am wrong. But if I am 
correct, I am simply telling you and other Goanetters that what you posted is 
fiction, just like that of Jules Verne, but arguably of an amateurish literary 
quality than his.

Regarding science, again, if you are not talking about fiction then what you 
say is not right. Factual science does not come in many facets. There is no 
alternative science. Established scientific facts are universally true, and 
equally applicable to all humankind. If the scientific discovery that you 
posted on Goanet was indeed made by somebody in the real world then one would 
have been able to easily verify it. It would have been very easy to locate an 
original scientific paper authored by the characters named in your link in a 
real scientific journal. There is no such discovery and no such paper published 
in any recognized scientific publication.

Finally, let me state what you probably already know, but have not paid much 
attention to in writing your response to my post. Goanet is a public forum in 
which any member can post whatever he/she wants to post, and any other member 
can then challenge the factual basis of that post. Nobody is superior or 
inferior in this forum. Degrees, titles, castes, classes, religious 
affiliations, positions, etc. do not have any value here. The only thing one 
has to be concerned about is the truth of what is posted. So once again, please 
tell me if what you posted was supposed to be scientific fiction rather than 
fact in your mind. I have to know if there is another Jules Verne in the making.



--- On Wed, 5/18/11, Tony de Sa <> wrote:

> Dear Dr. Helekar,
> None of the Goanetters were asked to be 'converted' to this
> view point or to
> accept it as the gospel truth. The item has been offered as
> an item of
> interest. I have not asked anyone to rely on the story.
> Everyone is entitled
> to his own view and learning expands by exploring many
> views. Science has
> many facets. What was once upon a time science fiction is
> seeing reality
> today.
> When Jules Verne wrote "Autor de la lune", "Twenty thousand
> leagues under
> the sea" , or "Journey to the centre of the earth" or
> "Around the world in
> 80 days" he was considered to be eccentric and these
> stories were in the
> realm of fiction. Today these are a reality. A Dr. of
> Science of those times
> might have offered anyone posting information about these
> books (assuming
> for a moment that there was such a platform) the same
> advice as yours. But
> today, far from fiction, these are common place realities.
> "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
> Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
> Thus spake Shakespeare in Hamlet.
> However, since you have a right to the title Dr., I bow to
> your superior
> knowledge and wisdom.
> Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com

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