Maqbool Fida Husain, one of the most energetic icons of India, a
National treasure who rose from humble backgrounds, passed away in
London, much to the grief of millions of his fans. The formidable
Artist, described by Forbes magazine as the ‘Picasso of India’, was an
enigmatic personality, loved by many and yet misunderstood by several
others.  The news of his death must come as a sad moment for India and
Indians who were hoping that this Art Icon would one fine day return
to the beloved land of his birth.

Hussain’s saga will undoubtedly be a cruel reflection of our times and
our society’s growing Intolerance. For an Artist whose contributions
to India have been so immense, it was unfortunate that the last few
years of his life got embroiled in so many raging controversies, many
of them stirred purely for political reasons.

The labels of ‘anti-Hindu’ made against him are ironical for in
reality; Hussain had consciously chosen his entire life to be inspired
by the colorful idioms and expressions of Hinduism. One decade spent
drawing the Ramayana, another decade spent drawing the Mahabharata and
in a career spanning seven decades, 50000+ paintings drawn, a majority
of which were dedicated to Hindu Art, culture and its traditions. In
fact, in one of his television interviews Hussain had narrated how,
before he would embark on any major Project, he would paint a
‘Ganesha’, a form he loved the most; drawing in his illustrious
career,  hundreds of ‘Ganeshas’ in various creative shapes and forms.

Hussain’s spirit, his energy, his enthusiasm and his love for the
Indian Nation and its culture has truly been enormous. He is a true
Indian who has brought immense honor to our country and to our
civilization. The Indian art market would perhaps never have been as
flourishing as it is now had it not been for Hussain. The Artist’s
death is a monumental loss for India and leaves a huge void in the
Artistic World. True justice can be done to this towering Artist by
building an Art Memorial dedicated to his name, where his legacy lives
on, inspiring generations to follow!

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble

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