Learn one or more Konkani word a day:

KEDEA VELLA when, at what time

KEDIM when

KEDINCH never, at no time


KEDO, -I, -EM of what size, how big

KEDOU a short time back

KEEM n. plantain

KEIJ cheese

KEIMBO m plantain-tree

KEL n. hook

KELDAUNC to parody, to imitate

KELDAUNNI parody, mimicry

KELDEM n. female monkey

KELDO m. Monkey

KELKEN n. hook

KELL m play

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published (authored probably by Dacho Furtado) in 1930.
Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian Educational Services, Rs 195
in India. Also in a Broadway reprint.]

Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and written style may have changed
since. Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested.
Copyleft. Circulated via Goanet

Send feedback, suggestions, comments to goa...@goanet.org

KONKANI-LEARNING BOOKS: If you'd like to buy a pack of useful
Konkani-learning books, get in touch offlist... Books can be chosen as
per your requirement.

GOA RAIN UPDATE: Monsoons started early in Goa, at the start of the
month. Today (Thursday) was a bit rainy, with some pleasant light
showers, and then (later in the evening) some gusty winds and stronger
showers too.  "Looks like there's stormy weather outside," I mentioned
to a young journalist colleague this evening. "It's pleasant that
way," was the reply. Many here love the rains (provided it doesn't
rain too heavy.) Hope the Met Office has better equipment in place to
tell us when we should be taking care. New Moon June 1, 2011. Full
Moon June 14-15, 2011.

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